Wednesday 31 October 2012

Halloween 2012

A newly created garden bed,
using existing rhododendrons.
Photo taken from the height of the roof.
The same garden bed, from the road
incorporating the dry stone wall,
and the relocated tree ferns.
The resident pets at the General Store,
Harris 'n Ford.

Happy Halloween!!

Friday 26 October 2012


We have so many rocks buried around the property, we decided they needed to earn their keep.

A dry stone wall!!
No mortar.
It's 4.5m long, and 1m high.
And . . . you can't even tell where we took the rocks from!
Looks like we might have to build some more walls.

Thursday 18 October 2012

The start of a vegie patch

Old rain water tank cut in half
Good place to meditate !!
Might use it as a temporary compost bin.
Vegetable patch marked out, and grass chopped down.
20m x 20m - lets hope it's big enough !!

Next step - rotary hoe it.

After 8hrs of back-breaking work,
decided it would have been better to have hired a plough!
10 years of compaction by horses,
combined with buried rocks, makes for very hard ground.
Half the area is dug over - that will do for now.

Monday 8 October 2012


Picked up 2 second hand windows at the scrap metal dealers for $50 each.
Had them delivered today - it took 2 men to lift each of them,
and they were puffing !!

Saturday 6 October 2012


Had a 10 cubic meter load of green split firewood delivered.
It took up 24m of fenceline, stacked 1m high.
It now will dry completely to supply us with firewood next year.
Leaving it out in the weather means that the rain will wash though any tannins.

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Mushrooms are $10/kg in the supermarket.
Instead, we spent $9.80 on 2 bags of mushroom compost.
We keep them in the dark, and moist, and voila!

These doors were being difficult to clean,
until we used methylated spirits!