Sunday 31 March 2013


Now that the guests have departed,
we have decided to move on to finishing the new wooden floors.
This weekend Robert has spent his spare time,
counter-punching the nails down, and filling with putty.
Once that is all finished we will bring in the sander.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

March # 2

My parents have left now, after having spent 2 months here.
They enjoyed their time, and Tasmania in general.
Never under-estimate the elderly.
They plodded along, a couple of hours a day, weeding and digging out rocks around the property.

This is one of the piles of rocks they created.

There is now plenty more rocks ready to create more dry stone walls.
The vegetable garden has been super productive.
It has quite easily provided button squash, zucchini, silverbeet, beetroot and cucumbers to feed the 4 of us. The freezer is full of soup, and grated zucchini for the winter.
We have just started picking beans, and a few late tomatoes, and the pumpkin vines are laden.  
The weather has been very kind to us.
It has been nice not to have to cope with the summer heat
we used to experience in Victoria.
Easter is almost here, and we sense a change in the seasons.


Saturday 2 March 2013

March 2013

The linen press is beginning to take shape!
This weekend Robert built & installed the 4 drawers
for spare blankets, quilts, pillows & cushions.