Saturday 12 November 2011

Discovering Birch Cottage

September 2011

I had viewed this house on the real estate website for some time, but couldn't even think of looking at it until our current home had sold. Ours had been on the market for 5 months without a bite, so we decided we needed a holiday in Tasmania. The morning we docked in Devonport, we got a phone call from the agent in Melbourne with an offer we decided to accept. Now I could look at that house!

Deciding we'd like to look through it turned out to be the easy bit. The house was being sold by the bankruptcy trustees, and the previous owners were reluctant to relinquish the keys. Eventually we got the call that we could visit, 5 days after we docked.

We'd driven down the road, and past the house, so that we could see the lie of the land. A gravel road, that's good, better than a dirt track. The house sits on the front left hand corner of the 5 acres, so there is plenty of scope to work with. The slope of the land is fairly gentle. The driveway has silver birch trees down one side and . . . across the road from the house, is green pasture and Mt Roland in full view!!

When we met the agent on site, he and Robert decided to walk up the rise and see the site, and I go inside for my first viewing.

The back screen door opens into a little porch, about 2m square, and then a left turn through one half of double doors into the kitchen. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, I look straight down a passageway to the front door. The wall that would have separated the kitchen from the passage has been removed, so it is a large space. Ahead and to the right a bit is a fireplace - blackened with obvious recent use. Beside that is a built in pantry.

Following around to the right is a free standing electric stove, with rangehood overhead, and some waist high cupboards with sink. The cupboards have no doors. Between the pantry and the stove is a doorway, which leads into a bedroom. Standing in this doorway there is a window to the left, and French doors to outside on the right.

Back in the kitchen I head towards the passage, and to my left is an open doorway. This room is a bit of a shock! In the floor directly in the doorway, is a yellow plastic bucket, in a hole in the floor. It appears a leak has rotted the floor at that spot. Behind the bucket is a little half wall, which hides the toilet. If one was to sit on the toilet, you would see a shower recess directly in front of you, sunken in the floor. To step in it would require you to step down perhaps 6 inches. The rust colored stain on the once white tiles implies it hasn't been cleaned in a long time. To the left of the shower are the water outlets for a washing machine. So this room is laundry, shower & toilet in one!

I'm back at the doorway to the passage. As I step through, to the left are two doors (to bedrooms) and to the right one large space that would have been 2 rooms at some stage. The dividing wall has been removed, as has also the passage wall. On the back of the kitchen fireplace is the other half. This half has a wood heater installed in it. There is a small window on the right wall, and towards the front are double French doors, opening on to the front verandah.

The two bedrooms share a fireplace also, but this has been boarded up and shelving with louvre doors installed on either side. They each have a small side window, towards the driveway. The front bedroom has one other window facing Mt Roland.

When Robert comes in to look, he points out that the walls are all masonite board, or brown board, as the agent calls it. The wall covering would once have been white, but it is all now smoke stained with years of living. All the internal walls would need to be replaced with plaster.

Apparently there is a small problem with the septic system. A plumber had had a look at it, and said it was all operational, it just needs a new French drain installed. He quoted $3000. When we googled that later, we discovered what that means is it needs a trench dug, lined with screenings and an agricultural pipe outlet from the septic overflow, to take away excess moisture from around the house.

The outside has been clad with vinyl imitation weatherboards. We would definitely remove them, and refurbish the original exterior boards. With advance in paint technology, painting is no longer an annual chore

This house has definite potential. To wind the clock back and bring it to it's original glory days will take some work, but other than the laundry room, it looks sound. We could learn to live with a septic system, and the current bore can be a back up to rain water - once tanks are installed.

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