Tuesday 13 March 2012


We said we wouldn't do any gardening for the first 12mths, but Robert couldn't help himself. He bought 50 Colchium bulbs, and filled a half wine barrel up with them. A pretty picture in flower!

An interesting thing happened after they all were in bloom. I noticed lots of bumble bees hanging around them. That's not strange you say, bees are after pollen, but what I found interesting is that they didn't seem to want to leave! In fact, I'd watch them crawl to the outer petal, and then turn around and go back down again! They even sleep in them, like Thumberlina. They seem addicted! I think it has something to do with the fact that the Colchium bulbs are the source of the medication Colchicine. Colchicine is a treatment for gout, and drowsiness is one of it's side effects.

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