Saturday 28 July 2012

Kitchen ceiling

The ceilings in the kitchen are made of baltic pine. At some stage they had been whitewashed, then someone else painted shellac with a dark brown stain on top of that. That made the room very oppresive. To remove all the previous layers would need lots and lots of paint stripper - not practical, so we decided to paint them white, after putting a special undercoat on that would stop the stain bleeding through. Added to that issue, is the fact that the old, old ceiling boards had big gaps between them, allowing 100 year old dust to invade the house with every movement . . . have to wear a hat on windy days . . . inside !!

starting with first coat of undercoat - notice that it all has to be done by brush,
believe it or not, quicker and more accurate than a paint roller.

looks much better, even with just the first coat of undercoat!

now you can see all the gaps between the boards

and . . . after using "No More Gaps" !!
(a silicone based sealer)

And then, of course, we had to put up another Kookaburra Air Vent.

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