Saturday 4 August 2012


The electricians came and wired in the 2 ovens & hotplates, and put in 5 downlights in the ceiling.
So pleased to be able to cook a proper meal at home that we cooked roast beef & vegies  . . . and fat free roast potatoes.

these are the left-over potatoes - for snacking on later !!
And . . . you all ask, how do you cook fat-free roast potatoes.Simple.
Start with potatoes cut into roasting size, use a fork and score the surface all over.
Place into cold water in a suacepan and bring to the boil,
cook until just soft on the outside only.
Immediately roll each potato piece in good quality dried parmessan cheese,
and place on baking paper on a roasting tray in the oven for 30-40mins.
Turn every 10 mins to golden all over.
Serve and enjoy !!


  1. Well, well - I shall try this on my very own little guinea pig (Dale) this evening! I believe that he will be a happy chap indeed. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dinner... a complete success, Dale is very chuffed with his newest favourite baked potato. World record 7 eaten in one sitting (along with his other dinner on the plate)....sigh, no leftovers!
