Tuesday 9 April 2013

Garden produce

The vegetable garden has kept producing well.  We picked 10.35kg of butter beans (gotta watch the cholesterol in those!) and 6.9kg green beans. A good couple of days was spent blanching and freezing them, so that we have plenty for the next few months.

We also picked some pumpkins - probably a little early, but something (probably a rat) had already started on them. We don't mind sharing - but they'd already eaten 3 !!
Robert brought home a bucket of tomatoes, and so I had a go at dehydrating them in the oven. The theory was great - cut them in half, lay them on the oven racks, sprinkle with a little salt, and leave them in the oven at 100 deg C for 6-12hours (depending on their size). Because most of them were only golf ball sized, as they dried they dropped through the racks. By the end of the day I had one 500g jar full of dried tomatoes, (they taste great, by the way) which I covered with olive oil.
I'll use an electric dehydrator next year!

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