Thursday 5 January 2012

The Chook Trailer

It's getting closer to when the rainwater tank is to be installed. We have a large tractor shed (open on one side) beside the house, and the other side of that is where the tank will be built. The only problem is that something else is where the tank will go - an old chook shed, constructed on top of a trailer.
So, Robert has spent the past 2 days - deconstructing it! He has decided that the tin and a fair bit of the timber is good enough to reuse - perhaps when we construct another chook shed!
He was quite pleased that he hasn't yet seen any "wrigglers" (snakes). We've been told they are not really active until March - but we still keep an eye out anyway!

The weather has been good for working in. The first 3wks has been between 19-25 degrees, not like the high 30's and into 40 deg that we left behind on the mainland!! Some days we've even had to put a jumper on! The birdlife is plentiful here. In particular, the wrens. When we first moved in, I kept hearing a tapping noise and found a blue wren tapping on one of the lounge room windows every afternoon. We figured he was seeing himself in the now clean windows! Since then I've noticed him around alot. There are quite a few female wrens, they are plain brown, but I've only spotted the one male - the blue wren. He's worked his way around the house tapping on most windows. I'm sure if the windows were open, he'd fly inside!


  1. So sustainable!!

    You should give the Wren a name...

  2. its a big shed , hey was that a trailer under the chook shed
