Friday 27 January 2012

Rainwater Tank

Saturday Jan 28th 2012

Just after 7am, a rumbling was heard. It was coming from the road out front. If we'd still been sleeping in the kitchen we probably wouldn't have heard it! There's a truck out front, and it's got an excavator on back.!! We quickly get dressed. Today is tank day !!
Clearing the grass away for the pad.

The site is marked out,

Base material.

The bottom layer is constructed.

No Tanks to Robert for taking this photo!!

Second layer going up.

Do I look short in this ?

The completed tank - just as well we got rid of the Chook Trailer!
This was all completed by lunchtime - a great team effort.
Then we had 6000L of town water pumped into it, to stop it from blowing away.
Full, it will hold 48,963L - weighing over 48 tonnes!!


  1. Let it rain! Won;t be long before you have it filled... naturally. What an exciting day you had.

  2. Plumbing to connect tank won't happen until after the roof on the house has been replaced. Then we'll connect everything in one hit.
    Then it can rain !!

  3. WOW you could swim in it, i hope y0ou said TANKS to the work men for building it hhmmmmm

  4. Some household prefer underground water tank inorder to keep big space in their yard.

    Rainwater Tanks

    1. Thanks for that, but with 5 acres we have not got a problem with room!
