Friday 24 February 2012

Toilet window

The window that was taken out of the bathroom (where the laundry-in-the-cupboard is now), has been moved and replaced the little one that was above the toilet. This was the first time Robert had ever installed a window, and I think he did a great job!
The small window - before.

The large window - after.

From the outside - the toilet window is on the left.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Sliding Door

And now the dividing wall has a sliding door in it!


Monday 20 February 2012

Dividing Wall

The bathroom and toilet spaces have now got a dividing wall! We bought a sliding door wall cavity unit and Robert installed it.
The view from the kitchen door.

The view from the shower space.

Saturday 18 February 2012


The laundry and cupboards are taking shape. Now you can clearly see them.
The square area is the laundry-in-the-cupboard. When the connecting wall panels are removed, we'll have an area to install the washing machine, space to mount the dryer above it, and shelving around it.
The long cupboard will be accessed from the kitchen also.

Thursday 16 February 2012

House & Shed now attached to tank

Things are moving along. Today, John (builder) came and put a support beam in the wall between the kitchen and bathroom. We are pretty sure it's not a load bearing wall, but would rather be sure than sorry. Don't want the roof caving in! He also took out a window. Robert now has the internal walls to construct - to turn the big space into a "laundry-in-a-cupboard", a bank of storage cupboards, a toilet, and a bathroom with sliding door.

Whilst they were working inside, Pete (plumber) was working outside, connecting the house and shed to the tank with PVC piping, using all those lovely trenches Robert dug!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Bob the wrecker !!

Bathroom renovations stage 1 : get the old masonite walls off.
Apart from behind the old shower, everything looks pretty good.
Only found 1 mummified mouse!!

Friday 10 February 2012

Cheap labour!

Now that the roof is finished, and the guttering is in place, next job is to connect the house and the shed to the tank. So Robert is now digging trenches to lay the connecting pipes. Cheap, and cheerful labour !!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Trip to the tip

Being rural, we don't have a garbage collection. What that means is that every couple of weeks, we take a trip to the tip, and off load our household waste. So today we loaded up, and included the old stove for disposal. At the side of the pit where the rubbish is dropped, was 4 sets of old windows in wooden frames that someone else had unloaded. The biggest one was bigger than the window we have in the kitchen, and on asking we found it was ours for the taking. As it was loaded in, with the help of the tip attendant, our lovely neighbours Eddie & Jenny turned up, and offered to follow us home and help unload them.
Thank you, neighbours, they are a little bit higher and about 400mm
longer than what we have - perfect for what we wanted!!

Another neighbour, well distant neighbour, not far as the crow flies, visited today and insisted that this photo should go on the blog. It is a "Bunnings curtain" - and is in the bathroom/toilet/laundry room!
This is for you, Barbara !! 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Roof and guttering FINISHED!!

8 days of work - and we now have a completed roof and guttering. Thanks to OOI ROOFING for their good job. Impressed with the final inspections, wash down and clean up.

Monday 6 February 2012

The last roof panel

End of day 6 of the roof - and all the roof area is now covered with Colourbond "Ironstone" roofing.
Taking off the old tin.

The replacement batterns.

The new iron - you can see the insulation at the exposed front corner.

And capping it off!

Roof capping

Sunday we had 30mm rain, and Monday was a bit cooler than it's been since the roof was started. The guys decided to spend the day putting the capping on the areas they had completed, as they were reluctant to expose any more roof surface to any possible wet weather. So that's what these photos are.
The panel on the left is the last remaining piece to be exposed.

The hydrangea's have stood up to flying debris really well!

Friday 3 February 2012

More roof photos

We have got to the end of Day 4 (or at least 3.5 days), and this is where we're up to.
When the old tin came off this section, it was found that the batterns were 1500mm apart, instead of the 900mm that is required. They also were rotten, and needed to be replaced. So they had to get extra timber and replace the old batterns, and put in extra ones as well. That slowed the job down a bit.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Roofing Day 2

The Roofing boys started great guns this morning, and were clattering around in a big hurry upstairs.
About an hour in, we get informed that they have found that some rodents (no longer present) have chewed some of our electrical wiring. So I get on the phone and ring around until I can find an electrician who's free enough to drop in to fix it all while the roof is off.
Men at work - 2 electricians (in yellow) and the 2 roofers.

Electrics fixed, roofing continues.

How's this for balance? He did this all day!

The hardest part of the roof - almost completed.
End of Day 2.