Thursday 9 February 2012

Trip to the tip

Being rural, we don't have a garbage collection. What that means is that every couple of weeks, we take a trip to the tip, and off load our household waste. So today we loaded up, and included the old stove for disposal. At the side of the pit where the rubbish is dropped, was 4 sets of old windows in wooden frames that someone else had unloaded. The biggest one was bigger than the window we have in the kitchen, and on asking we found it was ours for the taking. As it was loaded in, with the help of the tip attendant, our lovely neighbours Eddie & Jenny turned up, and offered to follow us home and help unload them.
Thank you, neighbours, they are a little bit higher and about 400mm
longer than what we have - perfect for what we wanted!!

Another neighbour, well distant neighbour, not far as the crow flies, visited today and insisted that this photo should go on the blog. It is a "Bunnings curtain" - and is in the bathroom/toilet/laundry room!
This is for you, Barbara !! 

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